• Thru-Floor Heated Floor Solutions - Slide One
  • Thru-Floor Heated Floor Solutions - Slide Two
  • Thru-Floor Heated Floor Solutions - Slide Three


Thermostat, Sensors and Control Pad

Effective controls are essential in creating a comfortable living and working environment with low energy use and cost.

Control Pad

Touch pads can provide central control of your heating system in which each individual thermostat or sensor can be individually named allowing you to easily identify and adjust each zone of the network.

Our controllers can be either hard wired or Wi-Fi and interfaced with your Building Management System giving you full remote control from your PC, laptop or phone.

Thru-Floor Heated Floor Controls Graphic

Thermostats and Sensors

Room temperature for underfloor heating is measured by controllers in each zone. We recognize that our customers may not want thermostats in every room so we can install sensors instead. These are very discreet and mount flush to the wall to give an unobtrusive look.. With no thermostat, programming the heating system in done from a control pad.

Thru-Floor Heated Floor Controls Graphic

Thru-Floor Heated Floor Controls Graphic